02-21-2008, 12:36 AM
Hi Belzedar,
Your story and your situation are very similar to mine. What hooked me initially was sexy words, not sexy images, partly because they seemed a little bit more innocent somehow, but also because I was able to make up my own sexy words and share them in chat rooms and the like. And I'm in a long distance relationship, so, like you, I only get to see my girlfriend on the weekends about once every week or two. I live alone, so there are a lot of nights when it's just a battle of will power between me and the computer.
One thing that really helps is to keep reminding yourself of all the reasons *why* you want to quit porn. And don't just think about this when temptation comes, but at other times too. Try to notice the ways in which quitting porn is helping you. For example, it's really important to me to have a respectful, honest and (sexually) healthy relationship with my girlfriend. Porn has gotten in the way of that, so that was one reason to get rid of it. Another thing that's important to me is to be able to treat everyone I know with respect. There are a fair number of attractive women that I interact with pretty frequently. Like probably most people on this site, I've found very effective ways to *pretend* (to myself and to them) that I respect and care about them completely. But usually part of me is always subconsciously thinking about them selfishly and sexually. And as long as I'm doing that, I can never really be honest with them, and that means I can never really treat them with respect. But I don't want to be pretending to be someone I'm not all the time. I want to really *be* the person I'm just *pretending* to be. And the only way to do that is to learn how to harmonize respecting someone with being sexually attracted to her. Anyway, my point is, you should frequently remind yourself why you want to quit, and take note of the ways in which it's working, how you're achieving those goals.
Another thing I wanted to say is that now that you're cutting out porn, you have to find something else worthwhile to do with the time that you're opening up. It's not much of a victory if you stop looking at porn, but spend all that time agonizing over whether to look at porn instead. I realize it's going to depend a lot on your personality what other kinds of activities would be worthwhile to replace porn with, but it would be a mistake to think that there aren't lots and lots of options.... do some exercise, read a book, do a crossword puzzle, whatever it takes.
One last thing: try to learn a lot about the negative effects of porn addiction. You're already interested in porn--turn that interest against your bad habit by becoming an expert on the bad effects of it! The more you learn about it, the more excited you'll be about overcoming your bad habits and improving your life.
These are some of the techniques that have helped me.