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Zibble says hello and tells his story -
02-18-2008, 09:03 AM
Hello everyone,
I've been checking out this website about once or twice a day for a week now. Reading about other people's struggles, disappointments, resolutions, and successes, has been incredibly helpful and inspirational to me this past week, so tonight I finally decided to register and participate a little. I'll just introduce myself for now, but I certainly plan to keep posting from time to time when I have the chance and feel that I have something helpful to say.
My first porn-related experience, I think, was probably pretty unusual. When I was about 12 or 13, another kid I knew invited me to create pornographic computer games of the "choose your own adventure" kind with him. This basically involved writing up sexy situations for the protagonist to get into, then describing some "options" for the player to choose from, and then writing what the results of each of these options were. So, unlike most people, I guess, my introduction to the world of porn was in a sense as a producer rather than as a consumer. And even when my "friend" moved away (which happened not long afterwards) I kept on sort of trying to produce my own porn, by writing erotic stories or drawing pictures of women without clothes. This was sort of like keeping a record of what you think about when masturbating.
Naturally, I was also interested in finding provocative words and images from sources other than myself. I once found a few Playboy magazines in a big pile of my dad's magazines, which I absorbed into my mind pretty thoroughly, and I managed to find the occasional sex book in libraries, and that sort of thing. But basically, my relationship to porn was pretty tame until I got to college.
I never actually believed that it was okay to do these things. I was quite certain, first for vaguely religious reasons, then for more general "moral" reasons, that it was wrong to masturbate, and I was even more certain that it was wrong to use porn. I tried really hard, even as a teenager, to battle these temptations, but I always broke down in the end and started masturbating again. I was almost always ashamed of myself.
When I got to college, I had steady access to the internet for the first time. I knew, vaguely, that there was porn on the internet, but I resisted investigating it for as long as I could. So my first real breakdown on this front didn't come until about halfway through my first year. At first, I just used chatting programs to flirt with girls online, which was an especially seductive temptation since I had, at that time, serious self-esteem problems (so that I thought I could never have a *real* girlfriend); and, (ironically, undercutting that justification) I tried to reassure myself that online flirting was okay, because it was a way of really interacting with real people sexually, rather than just using them for my own selfish purposes, and thus not really bad in the way that porn is bad. But of course that wasn't true. And gradually one thing led to another until, before I knew it, I had a habit of looking at sexually explicit images on the computer.
Still, though, I kept on trying to quit. I have never, never accepted that porn was a stable part of my life--it has always been something I've been fighting. So I would sometimes go for months without looking at porn or chatting with provocative internet females. But sooner or later, I always broke down and started again. And when that happened, because I had so much resisted temptation-energy pent up, it would usually be a good two or three days in which every minute of my free time was spent locked up in my dorm room (I didn't have a roommate) looking at porn. After that was over, I would emerge with a ton of guilt and, of course, a new supply of fresh resolve--"never again!" I'd say.
At various times since then, things have happened that I hoped would jolt me into quitting permanently. Once I was caught by one of my fellow students and his girlfriend, and that really scared the s**t out of me. And I developed a pretty stable relationship with a really wonderful girlfriend whom I love very much. (It's a long distance relationship, unfortunately.) Also, a few years ago, I really sorted out my religious/ philosophical/ spiritual/ moral views to a point where I definitely understand what I believe and why. Each of these things had the potential, I thought, to really change me, and to make porn a permanent part of my past. But sooner or later, I always broke down again.
Then something really changed last weekend. My girlfriend found out sort of at the last minute that she was going to be able to visit me for the weekend. I was glad she was coming, of course, but mentally, somewhere, I had known that I was on the verge of another porn breakdown, and the part of me that had been looking forward to that was angry and determined to get its "fix." So the night before she arrived, I stayed up all night indulging in porn. I used to be able to stay up all night without losing too much energy the next day, but the day she arrived (Friday) I was completely and totally tired. I barely had enough energy to talk to her, and certainly not enough energy to show her any real affection. I was totally beat. Naturally, she wanted to know what was wrong with me. I didn't lie, but I didn't tell the whole truth either. In the past, I have told her that I have struggled with porn, but I haven't been giving her regular updates about how well the struggles have been going. In this particular case, I just told her that I hadn't slept very well the night before, and that I hadn't been able to sleep in in the morning like I usually do. (I'm still a student, in grad school now, so I still have the late-night/late-morning lifestyle).
Anyway, that's when I realized that porn really isn't something I can cut off from the rest of my life. It isn't just a private indulgence that I can enjoy and comfortably regret without expecting it to have negative consequences for the people I love and interact with. I saw it, firsthand and vividly, actually messing with my relationship with my girlfriend. And I decided that it absolutely had to stop.
I wish I could say that it did stop immediately. But, in fact, I gave in again as soon as she left in another, final, 12-hour-long marathon of incredibly frustrating, despair-filled porn-seeking. When it was finally over, last Sunday night (2.10.08), I took a long shower to psychologically wash away the guilt and the shame and the depression, and I started looking for information for people struggling with a porn habit. That's how I found this site.
I've been porn- and masturbation-free since then, with perhaps one mild exception on Thursday when I caught myself looking at some pictures of women in swimsuits on the internet and googling things I shouldn't have been looking for. Many many times, already, things I have read on this website have helped me change the course of my thoughts, or resist various temptations. Whenever I've felt the temptation, I've just gone here instead, to see what people were talking about, and there is so much wisdom and commitment and support on here.
As a result of this change, my visit to my girlfriend this weekend was sooo much better than last weekend. I had real energy and interest in being with her and showing my love for her, which was a complete change from a week ago. So I'm already starting to see my life improve, and a good part of the credit is due to the people on this website. But I'm well aware from much bitter experience that it takes a lot longer than a week to permanently break this habit and change one's attitude for the better, so I'm not going to let myself get overconfident. Nonetheless, I'm truly committed now. I'm now 28; it's been about exactly 9 years since porn became a steady part of my life, but I'm determined to beat it, and to help other people beat it too if I can.
PS. Sorry this post is so long, I didn't realize how much I had written until I previewed it. I'll try to keep posts shorter in the future!