02-08-2008, 04:19 AM
I agree with Inshi - well done for acknowledging this so early. I've been a PA for 30 years or so and am only now facing up to it. If you can sort this out now (and I'm sure you will) you will save your significant others a lot of pain and heartache and you'll give yourself a much more fulfilling life.
There are lots of good tips on this forum for recovering PAs who are just starting. But here are some that I think are important:
1 - Don't just make a pact with yourself about breaking the habit. Make it with others. Promises to yourself are the promises that are most easy to break. Can you tell anyone in your family, among your friends, or in your church about your PA and what you are trying to do about it? Members of this forum will support you, but it will remain virtual and you can walk away from it. If you confide in someone close to you, it may become easier to stay the course.
2 - If you still have magazines, DVDs, etc - destroy them now.
3 - Only access a computer with others present. Move the computer to the living room if that helps.
4 - Ask your parents/guardians to install filtering/blocking software on the computer. If you can tell them that you're a PA, that is great and I am sure they will want to help you by blocking access to P on the computer. If you can't own up to them, perhaps you can tell them that you don't want to stumble on P on the internet and would like them to block access to P. I am sure they will welcome this request.
5 - Avoid long periods alone without much to do - being alone is often when it is hardest for us to stay on course.
6 - Avoid friends with a keen interest in P and related issues.
7 - Get busy: do more sports, join a choir, start volunteering, anything to keep you busy. But make sure they are social activities. It will take your mind of the P thing.
8 - I was going to say: be cautious with alcohol as it lowers your inhibitions and resolve. But as you're 16, you shouldn't be drinking yet!
9 - Focus on your achievements, not your failures. If you stayed off P and MB for a week when in the past it was a daily activity, that's a major milestone. Simply set the bar higher for the next time. If you give in to temptation once, it is easy to slide into depression and to simply give up. Don't let that happen to you.
Good luck! You can do this!