01-09-2008, 11:38 PM
Well . . . last night was decent. I don't me remember any of the dreams that I had, which actually not dreaming is some of the best dreaming I've had in a while. Today was easier for some reason. Every morning I try to pray before I go take a shower and ask God for strength to defeat the urges. some days that strength is stronger than others. today I've kept myself pretty well entertained. I played some video games, I'm a heavy gamer, and watched some myth busters on tv with my brother. At the end of this night if all goes well, I will have succeeded through 13 days without porn or MBing.
This forum and these posts have been huge steps for me. Steps I was never willing to make. Steps I was never willing to admit that I needed to make.
The day that I joined this forum, the last day that I looked at porn and MBed, I Finally realized something that I never realized before. This realization was also the first step to recovery. You watch movies, read documentary's about people who over came addiction and they all say "the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem". You NEVER take those words to heart until finally you realize that your heading down the wrong path. 12-27-2007 at about 9:00 was when I finally realized and allowed myself the knowledge that I was going the wrong way and that I had a problem. I finally came to the realization that what I was doing was wrong, and that I needed to seek help. On 12-27-2007 at about 9:00 was my first step to success, and through that first step came the second step, deleting everything that was allowing me to stumble. On 12-27-2007 at 09:33 PM was when I made my third step to success, posting on these forums.
A note to anyone who is thinking about joining these forums then stops and says to themselves "I dont need a forum to help me, I can over come things by myself." Stop and just think to yourself how much simply talking about your problems can help you. I find it very hard to talk to real people about this existing problem, that could probably be blamed on the fact that I find it hard to trust people because of the times I've been betrayed. Posting on a forum, keeping a journal online is probably one of the best steps I've made to allowing myself to come to terms with my problems. Posting on here isn't necessarily written in stone, but you cant delete your posts and making the decision to come back time and time again is a good reminder of the times you were doing good, and even if you mess up, posting here helps you recover so much faster.
Even if you decide against joining these forums, do yourself a favor and join another, or join a support group near you with other people who struggle with the same things you do. This forum isn't the ONLY help out there for people with porn addiction problems. coming here just shows that you are finally willing to admit, maybe not to yourself but at least to others, which is still a good step, that you have a problem. When I went to go make my first post, I stopped and said to myself "this is silly, its embarrassing, I shouldn't have to post on here to over come my problems". Boy was I wrong, I posted that first post and now I'm posting almost every day about my progress, and thats just the thing, posting here helps me TO make progress. Think again before you decide to quit the forums, and think again if your deciding against joining the forums. It may just be the thing that helps you out more than you may have ever imagined.
I'm slowly learning also, that quitting an addiction is no easy task. Its a slow, hard, and difficult time of your life. You have your good days, the days that are easy to get by without thinking thought you know will just get you in trouble, then you have your bad days, the days that are hard to get by without thinking thoughts you know will just get you in trouble, and sometimes do get you in trouble.
With that said, I will finish this post by saying this:
Stay strong, keep seeking help.