Through the Flame - Support For Porn Addiction
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Through the Flame first originated in 2005, and after closing for a year for lack of time and financial support, has re-opened on November 5, 2007. Originally, we are now and have no association witht he .com domain any longer.


Through the Flame was created from a desire to help people who have decided that they would like to get porn out of their lives and keep it that way. It was also created with the understanding that the majority of porn addiction sites on the internet have a religious inclination. While we feel that there is nothing wrong with this, we also felt that there are many more people out there who are not being reached because of this association. Our goal is to reach as many people as possible, and to help them live a full and happy life. The focus of this site is on healing, recovery and support. Through the Flame should be thought of as a place for restoration and support for those who are weary, and a safe haven and community.

While many may visit this site and immediately feel anger or resentment towards a "anti-porn" site, our intention is not to make anyone feel guilty, or assert that you are a bad person for looking at porn. We completely support and believe in the first amendment right for freedom of expression, and believe strongly that this is what makes America great. However, we also believe that as free citizens, we have the right to choose what we would like to consume. Unfortuantely, in the current day and age, the culture makes it difficult to choose when it comes to Pornography and its role in our lives. With only 3 percent of adult websites requiring adult verification, many people, especially children, are exposed to things that change their lives forever, often without their choice. So, while some will inevitably point the finger and immediately label this site "prudish" or conservative, the reality is that there are many people who don't want porn in their lives, and by recognizing that they are not alone, draw strength. We firmly believe that pornography can quickly spiral out of control for the user, and under closer examination, feel that avoiding it all together, while may be challenging, will be a rewarding and beneficial experience for you. If you do not agree, then we have no hard feelings and wish you well in your freedom to choose.

-We support freedom of expression and choice. Some people choose to consume porn and feel that there is nothing wrong with it. This site is for those that feel that thier life could be better without having porn in their lives.
-We do not discourge the use of any religion, especially if it helps you. However, we do not promote any particular religion or ideology.
-We believe that pornography is a slippery slope, a pandora's box, and something that can quickly spiral out of control.
-We want you to stand up and let your voice be heard, there are many people out there who don't want porn to be a part of their lives. There is strength in numbers!

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. Please let us know how we can improve it to help you better.
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